Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here is Ella's vocabulary so far:

Dada (1st word?)
Shoe (her favorite)
Eww (our favorite)
up (with a pronounced "p" sound "upbbh"
more (with sign)
all done (with signl)
agua (1st Spanish word! understands water)
uh oh (previous favorite of hers)
oh no
no (uses this one a lot now as well, especially when she is about to do something that is wrong)
baba (bottle)
dog (also says woo-woof a lot)
please (sign only)
milk (sign only)
ow (she pulls the hair on my legs before she says this one)
oo (her version of oops)
nigh-nigh (night night)
nee (as in the nights of nee)
Breah (bread)

things she sort of says:
is it? (meaning 'where is it?')
er d'go? (meaning 'where'd it go?' We like to hide things from her and have her find them)

She is copying a lot of what we say now, these are just the things we think she attaches meaning to. She copies a lot of tones and things, like the tones for 1,2, and 3 or a,b, and c. She is also talking in her own dialect constantly. We definitely have a jabberer on our hands. She doesn't stop very often. If she's quiet she's usually doing something wrong.


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