Monday, December 17, 2007


Ella was singing Old MacDonald aaallll the way to Opa's house today. She kept making stuff up. It was hilarious. A few of my favorites were:
"Tree!...with a swish, swish, swish..."
"...on this farm he had a...Pen!...with a write, write here, and a write, write, write"
"...had a...scared!...with a ah! ah! here and a ah! ah! aahh!"
She had several others I couldn't understand.


Blogger Karen said...

My sister and I absolutely love Ella! We don't know that much about the Batstone side of the fam, but she definitely takes after her Opa!

It's great to be able to see her grow up here... I was told that she loves her Ella bear :-)

Take care!

Karen Bell

7:03 PM  

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