Monday, January 09, 2006

Back to School...

Well, we had a lovely 3 weeks off, but now it is back to school for Ian, and Ella and I are back to hanging out together all day. Normally, I enjoy being with her, but I got spoiled letting daddy do much of the work - like changing diapers. :) Don't I got a great man?! Anyway, last night Ella woke up at like 2 in the morning, and I'm the one to do night duty when daddy has to work the next day. She cried until I gave her a pacifier and changed her diaper and gave me huge lovely smiles. But as soon as I tried to get her back to sleep...wahhhhh!!! That did not work. Three times she almost dropped off, but all to no avail. I heard cries and screams I hadn't heard before. What is going on? I finally gave up and fed her, which, as my friend calls it, is basically "nursing her into submission". She didn't sleep as well today, until I tried putting her back to bed really quickly so she wouldn't get overtired. So, any advice out there? Is she just crazy tired from all the crazy things we've been doing while on vacation? Is she teething? Did a dog next door wake her up? Is she now scared of the dark? Is 4 1/2 months a time for sudden night anxiety? Or was she just unusually hungry? I already miss the times when Ian is the one with night duty...


Blogger Sarah said...

wait wait wait. are you saying that she doesn't usually wake up in the night? you can't be saying that can you? if she did and now isn't that's normal at least in my limited experience. you think you've got them all figured out and then they change something on you. probably teething.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Ian Batstone said...

yes, she has been sleeping through the night since she was like 7 or 8 weeks! God blessed me!...and that is what the book said she should do :)I'm beginning to realize I have been spoiled with an easy baby. So, anyway, things do keep changing and now I think I need to read up on teething - she is showing lots of those signs. Thanks for your comments!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Joanne said...

Could be an earache

5:30 PM  

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