So we watched Jesus today. "The Jesus Film?", you ask, "The Passion of the Christ?, or some spiritual Childrens Bible video"? No, we watched the Little Mermaid. Do not ask us why she calls it that, but she does. I promise you we have not shown her any pictures of Jesus that look like King Triton, or taught her about Jesus using the video. She just has an extremely persistent idea somehow that it is called Jesus. So much so that today I said from the other room "Do you want to watch the Little Mermaid?" and she shouted "Jesus!". She also says "peggie tay-ohs" for Veggie Tales and calls the Jungle Book "Mow-gi" which we think is pretty cute.
Hmm. And here I thought you guys were dead set against Ella watching TV.
Cute baby but jeez you guys are cheesy.
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