Thursday, August 31, 2006

Curious Georgina

I like this picture of our little changita. She is really interested in things she is not supposed to touch, like our camera.

Ella'a thought process when she enters an area: "Hmmm, what new toy is there to play with that I'm not supposed to touch? brand new bouncy ball? -nah. Beautiful talking doll I just got for my birthday? -nah, they like it when I play with that. djembe drum that daddy's playing with? -mmm-nah. Ooh!! coffee mug that wasn't there when I went down for a nap!!" CRASH!!

"And we're baaack!"

Sorry about the silence. I'm sure many of you had a huge piece of your life taken away. We are back now and ready to entertain with humorous anectdotes, life lessons, and pictures that bring a smile to your face. We finally have our DSL back, (YESS!), and are once again attempting to journal our fascinating lives for your benefit and edification.

OK, right now Erin and I have switched places, I am at home taking care of Ella, and the folding of clothes and the dishwashing of dishes and the mopping of floors, and the cleaning of clutter, and the many other jobs that homemakers don't get paid for. I will be coaching soccer at Compton High, and might get a part time job but we're not sure we have to or want to yet ('You mean you don't HAVE to earn as much money as you possibly can?!' Maybe not, we are asking God about that one). Erin is enjoying the smaller size of the Middle School, and the people there are friendly. She had a bit of a mourning period and misses people from Compton High (she was there 5 years) but she is doing well so far. The kids come this Tuesday! Woohoo! (Please pray).

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Breaking the silence

Ok, so we're not totally online, but we are at least able to do some updating (thanks, Mom and Dad). First of all, it looks like I have a job! After many an initial mishap I am actually going to be teaching middle school! Ok, so many of you may think I am crazy, but I am really feeling like the Lord is leading me to this and am feeling excited about it. The principal really is welcoming me (unlike the previous one) and I am seeing the advantages of a smaller school and slightly younger kids. Plus, I realize that, if I want to affect the literacy of the community, starting a bit younger is what needs to happen. My class sizes look good as well - 25, so I am looking forward to it. But, I am not looking forward to leaving my little Ella. But, at this point, we can see how much she would love day care, if Ian gets a job, because she adores to be with other kids. She cried the other day at the gym when the last kid left besides her. Right now we don't see an immediate job for Ian, but there are some options that could look really good and like something he would enjoy. However, it looks like his tenure with Compton Unified is probably over. This is bittersweet. But, if nothing else, he will be home with Ella for a while, and will do a wonderful job. She just loves her daddy! I know they will have a great time together. But, keep praying for our future during this time. We truly appreciate all your prayers and know that is how we have gotten through some hard times...