Wednesday, April 22, 2009

If it drinks like a dog...

We have been dog sitting sometimes for a great dog named Barney. The kids love it. The other day I went to the grocery store with Ella and gave her a sample drink. She was lapping at it like a dog. I said, "Ella don't lick it, drink it." and she said, "That's what dogs do." I told her she wasn't a dog and she laughed and drank it.


Our little fairy is in preschool now. She LOVES it. I really like the class. She goes for 3 hours in the afternoon so we have kind of retired the afternoon nap thing. I am mourning that, but she seems okay. I have a little more energy during the day, from fewer demands for my attention.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sittin' Bull

Judah's sitting now, we are not in a hurry to teach him to crawl, but he's starting to grab for things and roll around on his fat tummy. He's getting restless.