Monday, December 17, 2007


Ella was singing Old MacDonald aaallll the way to Opa's house today. She kept making stuff up. It was hilarious. A few of my favorites were:
"Tree!...with a swish, swish, swish..."
"...on this farm he had a...Pen!...with a write, write here, and a write, write, write"
"...had a...scared!...with a ah! ah! here and a ah! ah! aahh!"
She had several others I couldn't understand.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Ella's hair is finally long enough to put in pig tails. What fun. Her mama was in raptures all day.

Veggie Tales nativity

I especially like the sheep-peas, and the two squash that have the cow costume on. I think Joseph is missing, but men aren't that important anyway. Right?


Mama: Ella, are you hungry?
Ella: No, I'm Ella.