Sunday, March 25, 2007


It is interesting being at a church that is focused on the betterment of a particular city. It completely fits our personal vision (Erin and I), but I can see how it might be something that is not really important to some people who live outside of Compton or have moved out. However, I think it is a unifying factor for our church. Dedication to a particular community is a focusing factor for the outreach portion of our church. If we are going to do ministry it is easy to make a decision about where and who we are going to prioritize.

Our church is starting a Marble Slab creamery in Compton. The money made from the business will be used to help combat debt in our congregation and for ministry in Compton. I think it is a great idea. We are starting to see answers to our prayers in this city. We are getting more businesses to come back in and more new housing. Things really seem to be on the move.

It is amazing what happened in this area in the 80s. Cocaine just decimated the society here. Like opium in China, it literally tore down the structure of the inner city. It is amazing how much crime is directly related to drugs. I think something like 90 percent.

Now, I feel like people are crying out to God for help, and it looks like He is answering. Good things are happening in pockets all over LA. Paramount has really turned around its city, with a lot of help from the Christian church (one of their churches is now focusing on Compton). And again, we feel like things are slowly but surely changing here. There are still gangs, and we had the highest murder rate (per capita I think)in the nation two years ago, but that is not the whole picture. We honestly believe in directly praying for your immediate community and that God directly honors those prayers.

New attitude

We went to Shoreline Village in the Long Beach marina yesterday. They have a small carousel, arcade, shops, and things like that. Its a lot of fun to go places with Ella and see a place with whole new eyes. She loved the carousel and arcade area, something that normally seems tame to me. She loved looking at the water and running around on the boardwalk. She even got spoiled a little and got to share some funnel cake with mom and dad. Its fun being a parent sometimes. I get to enjoy things in a whole new way.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Ella is a big Wiggles enthusiast. We got a VHS from somebody a while back and then my brother gave us a VHS player. The minute we turned it on Ella was transfixed. Now in the morning she wakes up and says "wiggaws, wiggos!"

They are an Aussie group of normal guys that dance and sing. Its very colorful and kid focused. Ella is learning the motions and sings a little too. Its pretty dang cute. We are getting tired of the same tape, but it really is pretty fun to see her learning it.

Taking orders

Ella told me to "sid down!". When I sat next to her she said, "Good girl".

Friday, March 16, 2007

sweet sound

By Ella and Ian Batstone

Sweet sound sends a signal
Both of us perk up
Somethings going to happen
Drop your toy and cup
Things are gonna change here
Things will get much better
Both of us breath in real deep
Both of us shout 'Get her'!
Shouts to the ceiling screams to the sky
Running with feeling joyful we cry
'Mommas home!' we shout as we gather round
Oh how we love that sweet
Garage door