Monday, August 20, 2007

6th Anniversary

Okay, going back in time. Our 6th anniversary was on August 4th but Erin was going to be gone to the midwest so before she left we went to Carpinteria (south of Santa Barbara) and stayed at a great bed and breakfast called "The Prufrock Inn" (as in the T.S. Eliot poem that Erin has memorized) really close to the beach. It is one of the best beaches in California, apparently, and it was gorgeous. We left Ella at my parents' in Ventura County and had a great time taking in the scenery... going wine tasting near Santa Barbara...
Hanging out in the garden at our place...
...and even had a serendipitously fun time at the 'rods and roses' show.

More Olsons

Joe Joe Potato, I think he's eating potato salad. Kimberly is practicing for her triplets (she is going to have a baby in a few months, we are excited to have a 1st cousin for Ella).

!Fiesta forevah! The Olson-Batstone-Weaver clan
Big Nathan, and "Little" Nathan reading with Ella.

Lots of Olsons

If you're not related to the Olson family, you might not be interested in all these pictures, but this is up here primarily for them, and us. We had a great time up in Wisconsin at Bud and Betty Olson's place (Erin's uncle and aunt on her dad's side). Ella and Kate Olson practicing domestic responsibility (Ella slightly rebelling against this by using a car in the kitchen).
Siri Olson, Molly and Brent's 10 month old daughter.
Anders Olson, really cute, really good kid.
Karen Olson; wife of Brad; Anders and Kate's mom.
All the kids played really well together. That's big Joe (Ibby's son of 13 months) in the foreground. This window looks right out on the lake.

Lanesboro, Minnesota

After Erin visited Chicago, and family in North Dakota I joined them and we went to see Nathan and Kimberly and the Weavers in the most beautiful corner of south east Minnesota. We saw bald eagles, fireflies, deer, went biking across rolling countryside and over beautiful rivers. We visited a number of Amish families in the area and learned a lot about them from Bob Weaver. I also got to run with Nathan (Erin's older brother) in the gorgeous countryside. Mostly it was just great to hang out with Nathan and Kimberly and the rest of the family on their great piece of land. They are really neat people.

Too much fun

Erin got to visit with a bunch of her Taylor college friends in Chicago. Ella had lots of fun playing with the kids.


We took some professional photos with Ella at JC Penny's. Ella ran circles around the photographer, but the pictures turned out well.