Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ella put her hand over my eye and said, "you're a pirate." Then she put both hands over both my eyes and said, "You're two pirates."

Eating cake

Today I gave Ella some cake. She was incredibly grateful for it. She touched my back ever so gently and said, "thank you so much." She was in rare form as she chatted up a storm and talked about the cake and how nice it was and how she liked that Lara (Erin's friend) had a birthday (actually a shower). She then put her hand up to me and said, "stop talking, and eat your cake."
I asked her if she was ever going to stop and eat, but she never did. She didn't eat the cake either.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Final Ultrasound

We finally got a good look at our modest little baby. It is a boy! I'm excited. I am looking forward to raising a boy. It will be fun. I called a bunch of people to tell them. It's just good to finally know what it is.

So, a bunch of people kept saying they knew it was a boy because of the way she was carrying. My thing is that, I've never seen any study done on gender being determined by how the baby was being "carried". If anyone knows of any study please send it our way. If anyone knows of a study disproving this theory please send it our way.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Phone camera pics


Ella passed some silent gas on the toilet yesterday. She said, "My booty went, 'Shhh!', just like Mama!" Either that means Erin farts silently a lot or she says 'Shhh' a lot to Ella.