Saturday, May 20, 2006

Christmas in May

We got together with the Olsons, Weaver-Olsons, and Rosie to celebrate Nathan and Kimberly coming home. It is really great to see them. They are interesting and neato people. We love them. We got a really cool nativity pyramid thing from Germany (it goes around when you light candles under the fan thingy). Very cool. We had a sleepover, stockings and everything. Fun. We love our family.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Future Plans

So, just so's ya'll know what our plans are, we wanted to let you in on our summer and work plans for next year.
Summer: Ian and I are both planning on teaching summer school. I will be teaching a reading class to help kids get some work on their reading before they start high school. Ian has the opportunity to teach High School History at Compton. We are hoping it is an IN back into high school for him. I will also be taking 2 classes this summer, back to back; this means I will be having classes until August 18th. Someone remind me why I am taking all these classes again?

Fall: At this point, we are really hoping Ian will be offered a job transfer to high school, either Compton or Dominguez High. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS! If not, we think he may quit the district and look around for something else to tide us over for awhile. I was asked to be a reading coach at Compton High, which would not entail much teaching. This is a wonderful job that uses what I have been going to school for. Please pray that this actually happens and they don't suddenly change their mind and have me teach full time. I don't know if I could handle having a young child, class at night, AND all the extra work of teaching.

It is Finished!

Yay! Last night I turned in my last big paper of the semester and presented it to my class. It went well. I have had many nights lately until 3am to get it done, but at least I got it done. Although, I think I am getting too old stay up that late...
It is a different thing to have a little baby and find time to do homework. Ya just can't write and research a 15 page paper unless you have large blocks of time. The only large blocks of uninterrupted time I have are after she is in bed. Thus, the late nights are my main times to be productive.
I also turned in another large paper on Monday. I think it is safe to say that in six days I have written almost 30 pages!! Sheesh. But, I can't complain; I mean God did create the world in six days. But, on the seventh...He rested. I think I deserve a rest too. :)
I still have a few more things to turn in, but nothing earth shattering.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Miss Independent

So were starting to think that we have a strong willed kid on our hands. She loves being on her own crawling around. She doesn't like being changed much any more because it incapacitates her a bit. She does NOT like you holding her hand or controlling any of her appendages. She does NOT like breastfeeding, but LOVES to hold a bottle and feed herself. She most definitely does NOT like it when you take something away from her, whether that be a shred of paper off the floor or a toy. (We are seeing the beginnings of tantrum-esque movements when we do that). Oh boy. Wade (we call him Daddy-O for Dad Olson) likes to tease me about having a household with TWO very independent women. He laughs at me when I get a slightly worried look on my face. Lord, keep me strong.


We are going through testing now at school. They gave me someone in the morning to help with the kids, so that part is good. However, the kids get restless in the afternoon. They were testing my patience today.

Monday, May 01, 2006

On the Move

It has come.
Ella is now crawling. Everywhere! It is a whole new world; lots of fun, but also more complicated. Now I have to keep an eagle eye out for her trying to eat dustbunnies, dirty shoebottoms and other icky things. On the up side, it is kind of cute to leave her in one room, only to see her come traipsing around the corner on her hands and knees, so happy to have found you. These are a few action shots. A video should be following soon...